※ Common Core: Introduction to MOT, Technology Planning, Technology Accounting, ICT Innovation Policy

Subjects Information

  • Study period and Academic period
    • Thesis-based master’s degree: 2 years
    • Project-based master’s degree: 2.5 years
    • Doctoral degree: 3 years
    • Academic period does not exceed 4 years for master’s degree and 6 years for doctoral degree (Leaves of absence is not included in academic period.)


- A maximum of 12 credits can be acquired for each semester.

Course Master’s degree(thesis-based) Master’s degree(project-based) Doctoral degree
Required major 13 credits 13 credits 15 credits
Elective major 23 credits
(including Thesis Research and Internship)
32 credits
(including Project Research)
27 credits
Total compulsory 36 credits 45 credits 42 credits