
  • ACDC: Asian Connect and Develop Center


  • Role of a leading center that can achieve ‘Establish an East Asian-centric MOT hub’, which is one of the three main goals of PKNU MOT
  • Role of a cooperative center that can activate co-education and exchange researchers and students with international universities


  • Establish and operate a global network
  • Play a role on an East Asian-centric hub for MOT education and R&D across Korea, China, Japan and Asian countries
  • Manage student exchange programs (dual-degree, credit-transfer and master/doctoral degrees) with international partners
  • Support international students’ life and international internship


   - Cooperation Strategy for International Network

Stage Strategy
1 - Establish ACDC for global cooperation with MOT-related educational institutions in East Asia (e.g., Korea, China, Taiwan and Japan)
  as well as the globe (e.g., France, U.S.A and Indonesia)
- Develop joint education and research programs or students/researchers exchange programs within existing network including Japan and China
2 - Develop joint education and research programs or students/researchers exchange programs through the extension of ACDC-centric network
  (China, Taiwan, Indonesia)
- Open MOT joint workshops with Asian partners
3 - Operate and stabilize existing programs (international cooperation, students/researchers exchange, MOT joint workshop)
- Open an international conference (tentatively, Asian MOT Conference) for deploying academic achievements relevant to MOT
4 - Extend and improve existing programs (international cooperation, students/researchers exchange, MOT joint workshop)
- Publish academic achievements collected from international conferences
5 - Extend and improve existing programs (international cooperation, students/researchers exchange, MOT joint workshop)
- Develop joint-degree and dual-degree programs with international partners

International Partners

- DaLian JiaoTong
- Pôle universitaire Léonard-de-Vinci
- Universtas Sam Ratulangi
- Universitas Katolik De La Salle Manado
- Hiroshima University
- Kumamoto University
- Shujitsu University
- Yuan Ze University
- National Tsing Hua University
- Eastern Michigan University
- Marine Stewardship Council
- Marine Stewardship Council Asia-Pacific

Contact Point

  • Seung-Jun Shin, Ph.D. Assistant Professor
  • Associate Director of ACDC
  • e-Mail: sjshin at
  • Tel: +82-51-629-5646