Name / Date of the Establishment

  • Graduate School of Management of Technology in Pukyong National University / March 1st, 2016.


  • (48547) 3rd engineering Building, Yongdang Campus, Pukyong National University, Sinseon-ro 365, Nam-Gu, Busan, Republic of Korea.

Courses of Degrees

  • The number of students per year: 34 for master degree, 5 for doctor degree
  • Total number of students: 100
  • Minimum required coursework period: 2 years (thesis-based master’s), 2.5 years (project-based master’s), 3 years (doctor’s)
  • Minimum required credit: 36 credits (thesis-based master’s), 45credits (project-based master’s), 42credits(doctor’s)
  • The title of degree: Master Degree of Management of Technology, Doctor Degree of Management of Technology


  • Main 4 tracks (refer to Education section): common, technology planning & acquisition, technology finance and commercialization, and i-MOTION under the following directions.
  • Educate and produce ICT-converged MOT specialists who are capable of leveraging local industrial competitiveness for globalization with the accordance of direction, objective and vision of PKNU MOT.
  • Educate and produce on-site MOT specialists who have R&BD commercialization capabilities on the top priority aim, accommodating industrial characteristics of Dong-Nam(south-eastern) region in Korea.
  • Educate and produce versatile MOT specialists who have knowledge of theories and practices by making full use of case-centered education and team-teaching.
  • Achieve two-way and interactive communication through team-teaching, field-friendly seminar, group discussion and industrial-academic projects with faculty members and experts from various disciplines, consequently realizing interdisciplinary education system based on engineering.
  • Industrial-academic cooperation program
    • Operate industrial-academic cooperation program synchronized with PKNU MOT curriculum
    • Perform R&D planning with industrial-academic collaboration
    • Provide supporting services and on-site educational programs for resolving technical difficulties in industrial fields
    • Provide consulting business for making the foundation for companies’ self-reliance


  • The number of professors (planned): 10 (full-time), 5 (adjunct·visiting)
  • The number of full-time/adjunct faculty from industries (planned): 2(full-time), 3(adjunct)


  • The number of students per year: 34 (master’s), 5 (doctor’s)
  • Tuition: 3,500 thousand KRW per semester (2016 spring semester; changeable due to policies)
  • Application: Two-times a year (Spring semester in November·December, Autumn semester in June·July; changeable due to schedule)


  • Full-time student: 100% of tuition + α (RA/TA Scholarship 1.8million KRW per semester, Expenses for domestic/international internship & conference; changeable due to policies)
  • Part-time student: Graded rate of tuition + α (Expenses for conference, seminar and education)


  • 24 institutions and enterprises
    • Institution: Busan Metropolitan City, Busan Techno Park, Busan Institute of Science & Technology Evaluation and Planning, Korea Technology Finance Corporation, Korea Small & Medium Business Corporation
    • Enterprise: Elscom, Intown, DNDE, Taeshin G&W, Daechang Solution etc.

The 3 main aims of PKNU MOT

  • Open innovation-oriented & on-site education
  • ICT converged & local specialized industrial innovation
  • Eastern Asia-centric MOT hub

Major Strategies of PKNU MOT


Cultivate MOT specialists who have capabilities of creating new growth engines and
future-oriented business in industrial sectors through specialized education and expertise
with the recent R&D management methodologies and ICT-based innovation systems

Vision of PKNU MOT

Domestic Trends

  • 18 universities in Republic of Korea are operating MOT educational programs in accordance with the awareness of MOT’s significance since Korean government’s supportive programs have incubated the MOT programs. (as of November, 2015)
    • The universities have produced 717 MOT specialists with master’s or doctor’s degree by 3 specialized graduate schools and 5 graduate schools under the government’s supportive programs.
    • The universities have strengthened the infrastructure to produce MOT specialists stably through well-organized and well-systemized curriculums, funded by the government’s supportive programs.
  • Recently, beyond theory-centric education, MOT curriculums have been transformed into a form of educational courses laying emphasis on addressing on-site and practice-centric education.
    • Grant degrees to courses with industrial-academic cooperative projects such as capstone design project instead of academic thesis.
    • Focus on educating incumbent workers who conduct R&D activities including R&D strategy and planning, technology transfer and commercialization, rather than focusing on full-time student-centered education.
  • Enterprises strongly require field-centric MOT education after the awareness of importance of cultivating human resources with capabilities of R&D strategy and planning, and technology commercialization.
    • However, most of Small & Medium-size Enterprises (SME) have limitations in managing their own training courses except some large-size enterprises.
  • SMEs in Dong-Nam(south-eastern) region in Republic of Korea, where the portion of knowledge-based manufacturing and service industries are being higher, increasingly demand MOT specialists who posses capabilities of technological innovation based on their engineering knowledge.
    • It is vital to manage specialized graduate schools of MOT that can provide field-oriented education for regional enterprises, especially for SMEs, to cope with ever-changing industrial environments although PKNU MOT is the unique MOT located in Dong-Nam region.
    • In Dong-Nam region, MOT is needed to transform into adhering to regional enterprises for making the sustainability of MOT education.

Global Trends

  • The characteristics of MOT education in globe vary with different social, economic and technological circumstances.
    • MOT broadens its domain areas across R&D activity and general management as the increase of demands on efficient management of technology.
    • MOT moves toward more practical aspects with the increase of demands by on-site incumbents.
Section U.S.A. EU Japan Taiwan· Singapore Korea
Driving sector Private organization, University Private organization, University Government University Government
Role of MOT Driving force for innovation Driving force for innovation Competitive source Driving force for creativity Competitive source
Main theme Entrepreneurship, innovation Entrepreneurship, innovation Development innovation, Technology commercialization Creativity, Technology commercialization R&D innovation, Technology commercialization
Main Audience Technology leader
Field manager
Technology leader
Field manager
MOT specialist Field workers MOT specialist
Academic courses Combined with MBA Combined with MBA Graduate School of MOT Industrial engineering → Technology and Innovation Management Graduate School of MOT
Network Pure research organization(IRI) Pure research organization(EIRMA) Profit organization(JMAC, BRI) University University, Institution
other Regional industry & enterprise-based training Market demand-training Government-led policy On-site workforce utilization Government-led policy

※The results of this trend analysis depend on our viewpoint, and thus some of them may differ from other viewpoints’ analysis

The-state-of-the art of MOT education in major countries and Korea

The expansion of MOT roles due to the increase of R&D significance

  • Increase of R&D investment
    • Governmental R&D investment increased from $10.8 billion in 2009 to $ 15 billion in 2013 (average annual increasing rate : 8.1%) [Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, 2014]
  • R&D strategy as the core of competitiveness
    • Successful R&D execution is regarded to be the core of competitiveness as the increase of R&D investment.
    • R&D execution naturally calls for building well-structured R&D strategy.
    • R&D strategy significantly plays a role on planning and managing overall activities for R&D, which results in the growth of enterprises based on the consistency with their business strategy.
  • Strong demands on human resources for R&D strategy and execution
    • Human resources are the main driver for technology innovation and thus it is required to produce specialists who can take part in performing R&D activities efficiently and effectively.
    • The increase and efficient-utilization of human resources significantly influences on the growth of R&D productivity as the accumulation of technology by well-trained human resources can make the same output with a small input. <Jeong Jin-hwa, 1994>
  • MOT as a breakthrough for future momentum of enterprises
    • In recently years, the role of R&D moves toward active models that cover breakthroughs for enterprise’s future growth as well as consulting and supports to meet simply business needs.
    • Recent trends show that some global enterprises operate Global COE (Center for Excellence) R&D organization to secure technologies through Open Innovation.
  • MOT platform for efficient technology ecosystems
    • The role of MOT is increasingly important to operate an efficient technology strategy system because R&D strategy needs to build upon technology platform, technology roadmapping and technology acquisition with the synchronization of market, business and technology.
  • Technology commercialization through MOT
    • The statue of MOT can grasp from the success of technology commercialization.
    • The importance of R&D personnel and R&D support services (technological excellence, accurate technology-and-market research, clear goals, research direction, etc) are recognized very high as reached 58%.
    • Therefore, the well-made infrastructure for R&D personnel and R&D support services are significantly required to lead systematic R&D strategy and consequently successful business.

    Success factors for technology commercialization [KOITA, 2009]

  • Difficulty in recruitment of R&D specialists
    • Many enterprises have still difficulties in hiring researchers for R&D activities.
    • Lack of information and lack of qualitative and quantitative capabilities of R&D human resources are regarded as major bottleneck factors to hire R&D specialists.
    • Therefore, it is necessary to ensure R&D specialists who are capable of performing R&D activities with their excellence as well as to build an infrastructure to search and hire efficiently the exact personnel.

Prospect of R&D human resources

  • According as the demands for R&D strategic planning increase together with the increase of position of MOT, the demand of R&D human resources are expected to rise gradually.

(unit: thousand people, %)

Section 2013 2017 2013-2017 sensitizing 2013-2017 Annual growth rate
Total employee 25,002 26,111 1,109 1.1
R&D human resources 601 773 172 6.5
Rate 2.4 3.0 0.6 -

R&D Human resources Demand Prospect [KEIS, 2014]

  • The demands for human resources pursuing R&D services are also expected to rise gradually in order to support the achievement of successful R&D strategic planning and activities.

(unit: thousand people, %)

- 2013 2017 2013-2017 sensitizing 2013-2017 Annual growth rate
Provide information of Patents and technology 9 12 3 8.5
Check analysis and testing 67 95 27 8.8
Product Design 41 65 24 12.4
R&D Consulting 10 15 6 12.0
Technology trading brokerage 2 2 0 2.3
R&D support 129 189 61 10.1

Human resources Demand Prospect related R&D support services [KEIS, 2014]

  • However, the R&D competitiveness of Korea is among the lowest in OECD countries although the quantity of R&D investment has been increased.
    • This cause from the fact that the commercialization of R&D performance does not work properly.
  • To overcome the current limitation of the R&D competitiveness of Korea, it is necessary to strive for the increase of R&D efficiency and the convergence of new ICT technologies with traditional manufacturing and service sectors [STEPI, 2007].
    • ‘Manufacturing Innovation 3.0’, the mega project led by Korean government, addresses that traditional manufacturing and service sectors should use ICT convergent technologies for their innovation.
  • Therefore, it is vital to train and produce R&D experts who are capable of finding opportunities for technology innovation and optimizing systems integration based on the understanding of ICT convergent technology. This is the pursuit of PKNU MOT education.



Philosophy & Purpose of Pukyong National University (PKNU)

The details are in


  • PKNU is a leading university with specialization and innovation
  • Core capabilities of PKNU for MOT
    • Capability of supporting technology start-up & commercialization as well as educating technology financing & technology evaluation
    • Capability of shaping networks across SMEs and institutions as a role of Innopolis Busan and Academic-Industrial-Institutional R&D complex
  • Granted a specialized graduate school of management of technology from Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy for supportive program
  • High relevance of Graduate School of MOT with PKNU’s vision and strategy
  • PKNU is a leading university with specialization and innovation
    • PKNU endlessly seeks for ‘World Class specialization leading university’ through a master plan of reformation ‘PKNU 2030’.
    • PKNU aims at entering into ‘Top 20 universities in Korea’ ⇒ ‘Top 100 universities in Asia’ ⇒ ‘Top 200 universities in the world’ on each stage while undergoing the process of ‘Foundation stage’ ⇒ ‘Leaping stage’ ⇒ ‘Maturity stage.’

PKNU2030 Vision

Core capabilities of PKNU for MOT

  • PKNU has outstanding capabilities of supporting technological start-up and commercialization by utilizing Business Incubator center, Technology Transfer center, Intellectual Property Education center etc.
  • PKNU has abundant experiences of operating MOT-related projects, curriculums and programs.
    • 2011: started to operate interdisciplinary MOT program in graduate school, which supported by Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
    • 2012: selected as an Intellectual Property-specialized university by a supportive program of Korean Intellectual Property Office.
    • 2014: started to operate ‘ICT-converged technology innovative & creative HRD program’ of ’Creative Korea-1’, which is the government’s program for supporting specialization of regional universities.
  • PKNU has networking capabilities with regional institutions through the construction of infrastructure for technology evaluation and financing as well as innovative SMEs.
    • PKNU is utilizing the technology evaluation/financing infrastructure through collaboration with BISTEP and the associated institutions in Busan Munhyeon Finance Complex actively.
    • PKNU is building a collaborative network with SMEs using PKNU’s family company system and spreading MOT educational programs to enterprises in locally specialized industry sectors.
  • PKNU’s Yongdang campus is selected as Innopolis Busan, which is a R&D-leading innovation cluster wherein science, technology, and knowledge can be efficiently created, transferred, and utilized.
    • 2012: selected as Innopolis Busan by Ministry of Knowledge Economy.
    • 2015: selected as ’Busan University Research Park’, which is the complex for collaborative research of industry, university and institute.

Technovalley of PKNU in Yongdang campus

Acknowledgement as a specialized graduate school of management of technology by Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

  • 2015: Selected by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy on (Specialized) graduate school of MOT (according to the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy’s public announcement number 2015-87, 13 Mar, 2015).
  • Assigned and planned the budget of 13 billion KRW for 5 years through government’s grants and companies’ contribution to provide higher educational environment.

Suitability of MOT with PKNU’s vision and strategy

  • The domain of MOT is recognized as one of major specialized sectors of PKNU
    • PKNU has persistently selected and promoted the development of MOT specialists and technological innovation since 2001.
    • PKNU has included ICT-convergent technological innovation in specialized vision as a basis of innovative methods applicable for industrial sectors